Friday, January 13, 2012


We crashed the lunchroom at school and ate lunch with the kids.  They were excited for about one minute then the novelty wore off.  Too quick, in my opinion.  Their friends were more excited to see us than our own kids!  Go figure.

When I was a kid the lunchroom always seemed so big.  The tables so long.  Not anymore.  I was worried that Ben and I would break the table.  We distributed our weight . . . just in case.  And the waste!  I don't think I saw one kid finish his entire lunch.  We could seriously feed ALL the starving children in China with the food kids throw away at school.   

Sam was passed down the table.  Even the principal took a turn, who, upon seeing Sam said, "Oh, isn't SHE beautiful!"  Hah.  I didn't tell her it was a boy.  She figured it out once she was holding him.  I think his hair threw her for a loop.  The funny part was that she wouldn't pass him back when a little 4th grader asked for a turn.  Hilarious.  She may have been a little baby-hungry--her first grandbaby is due in a few months.

We played with the kids at recess.  Brigham found his friends and away he went.  Annie, too.  She is chomping at the bit to be in school.  And, boy, is she ready.  Trusty Will stayed close.  He showed us his favorite things to do at recess.

I had to try out these spinning saucers that the kids are always talking about.  Let's just say that I'm not the same dare-devil girl I used to be.  Spinning makes me sick.  I was screaming and all the kids were laughing.  I bet they loved seeing a parent squirm.

What a great time!  I loved watching my kids with their friends.  I loved watching them being THEM.  Silly, active, independent, busy.  Sometimes I worry about my kids, like, do they have friends at school, are they well-liked, do they behave, do they treat others well when they're with friends, etc.  But, today reassured me that they're A-OK.  Just happy, confident kids having a fantastic elementary experience.

I hope, I hope, I hope, that they'll always be happy, confident kids.  It's a tough world.  Sometimes, I wish I could keep them small and safe.  That they could skip the inevitable challenges of teenage-dom.  But then again, I'm excited to see them blaze their own trails.  Developing their own strength.

That means I better become a wise parent.  Eek.  I've got some work to do.

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