Wednesday, May 27, 2009

City vs. Country

Don't get me wrong. I love a big city. I love the energy. I love that everyone has someplace to go. I love that there is so much life happening all around me. Diversity.


My soul loves the country. My universe is in perfect harmony out here. I know that peace, a soul-peace, can be found no matter where you are, but there's this freedom--like a big, full, deep breath--that I haven't found anywhere else.

My uncle has a farm/ranch that we love to visit. For the kids, it's all about the bulls. For me, it's a taste of my little fantasy of living on a ranch (an almost-cowgirl). There's something about smelling hay, walking on dirt roads, or yes, even manure, that's so, I don't know, natural, organic, wholesome.
Now, if I could just talk Ben into getting us some horses...
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