Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now and Then.

Time is a crazy thing.
Today was the last day of school.
I took pictures of the kids when they got home (because we were way too late and grouchy to take any before school...isn't that awful, late AND grouchy on the LAST day of school?  I think so.).


Wasn't it yesterday that I watched them race to the bus on a sunny August morning?
I can still remember lying in the grass with Annie, waiting for them to get home, anticipating their first-day reports.  Teachers?  Friends?  etc.
And here we are.
At the end.
Nostalgia kills me sometimes.

All of a sudden they've grown up.
I know this is just the beginning.
Of growing up.
But, seriously, STOP ALREADY.
My heart kinda aches right alongside the happiness of seeing my kids growing into themselves.


Having Sofie here as our live-in teenager has made me realize that, yes, the day will come when it will feel like my kids don't need me so much anymore.  Ouch.  That's gonna hurt.  I guess I have letting-go issues (Hah, my oldest is only ten!).  Hopefully, when the time comes, I'll have loosened my emotional-death-grip, and can wave them off to college with no regrets.  Okay, okay, I'm not that extreme, but I've got some fierce mother-love in this soul of mine.  These are my babies we're talking about.  

I've heard my mom say that some of her kids were real share-ers of their lives and others, not so much.  Please, please, PLEASE let all my kids be share-ers.  Or else, please, please, PLEASE let me be able to read their minds.  Either way, I'd be happy :).

I better stop.  I'm getting sweaty palms.  I'm missing my grown children already.  Isn't that a lit-tle bit  premature?  I think so.  

Time to go play some Wii with the fellas...

1 comment:

Candy said...

such cute kids!

we are still in school til June 13th! gross.

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