Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easing in...

As you can tell, it's been awhile. 
I'm starting with today. 
Easing my way back, slowly.

I've had several full weeks, and I mean full, emotionally and physically.  So, in my efforts to not overwhelm myself, I'm starting with my first day of normalcy: Wednesday, April 14, 2010.

Lincoln made it to preschool ON TIME, fully equipped with Annie's blown kisses (that's what she's doing in the first picture) and our own little preschool prayer.  You know, "help me to be good, help me to be kind, help me to listen to Ms. Cammie," etc.  While Lincoln's at school, Annie and I try to go to a music class on Wednesday's.  It's our own little Mommy and Me time where we sing and dance and make fools of ourselves TOGETHER.  She loves it, and I love watching her love it.

We decided to walk around the temple before lunch (aka a free slice of bread and butter at Great Harvest Bread).  As you know, Lincoln is most inquisitive (keeping it positive) and tried to climb all over the clean, white stone into the planters just to smell the nectar (smell?) and then attempted to suck out the nectar for a snack.  Hmm...I wonder what the temple worker at the front desk thought watching me reverently:) trying to coerce Lincoln back onto the sidewalk.  You would've laughed.  I would've watching myself.  I'm glad I brought my camera along because the kids looked up at Angel Moroni just as I was about to tell them to smile.  It was perfect.  We've tried to break the little ones out of the habit of calling him Captain Moroni.  It's taken longer than I thought it would.

Next stop, Great Harvest Bread, where I buy my much needed breakfast food: 2 loaves of light cracked wheat bread.  Yum.  Put that with a glass of OJ mixed with a little DOLE orange, peach, mango, and I'm set for the morning, filled with fiber and vitamin C.  We had the sweetest chat with an older lady working behind the counter, about what her heart Dr. will tell her because she eats too much at work.  I told her I was jealous.  Owning a little bakery fits in somewhere on my list of dream jobs. 

Finally, we head to Porter's.  Our local craft, floral, art, frame, and, and.... store.  I need to update a little vase-thingy for an end table.  I found just what I was looking for, but not without a struggle.  This store is an accident waiting to happen for small children.  But, once again, the secret weapon worked.  Any mother, when confronted with potential disaster who can keep a smile on her face whilst wrangling-in two curious children with even more curious fingers has won the battle.  Smile.  That's it.  People see your kids and say, "Aww, aren't they cute," instead of, "Holy cow, can't you control your own children?"

I'm happy to say we're home, tummies full, unscathed and all stores unharmed.  Now, if I can just get one load of towels done, homework complete, a nice smooch with Ben, and dinner ready all before pack meeting tonight, I'd say today was a success.

Phew.  It's good to be back.


Honey said...

Welcome back! I missed you.

Kathy said...

i want some free bread.

and yes - i'm glad you are back to posting! :)

Alan Daniels Family said...

Guess I need to try smiling more. I think I get a lot of the "holy crap, you can't control your children" look from people. And I only have 2! :)

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